Construimos rápidamente tus indicadores de RRHH con el MetroKPI



Medimos y analizamos el Valor que aporta RRHH a tu negocio



Entrenamos e implementamos la norma de RRHH ISO 30414 / 2018




Create, measure, analyze and improve your HR Strategy, through powerful KPI’s, using the Balanced Scorecard, its own effectiveness analysis, impact evaluation and ROI methodologies.

Hr IsoMetrics

Develop, implement, measure, evaluate and report your HR Indicators System, based on international standards recommended by the ISO 30414/2018 Standard on Reports and Metrics.


Help your company to be successful, improving your HR processes, based on modern methods to build, develop and evaluate your System of Indicators or KPIs and implement international standards of the ISO 30414/2018 Standard.


Become an Expert and Respected Professional, accessing practical courses on Measurements and Process Improvements in HR